There’s a reason you’ve heard about managed network services more every day. It’s because the popular IT solution is growing by leaps and bounds; a recent student by MarketsandMarkets concluded that the market for managed IT services will grow globally to around $58.39 billion by 2018. That’s about twice the size of the managed IT services market in 2012. What’s behind the sudden and dramatic ballooning?

Understanding Managed Network Services

Managed network services—also known as managed IT services—enable businesses to outsource some, most, or all of their daily IT functions. From simple packages that only handle network monitoring to all-inclusive packages that provide cloud-based hosting, managed network services are quickly becoming a go-to business solution.

One reason for the growth of these services is that they fit nearly any kind and size of business. With the demands of an increasingly connected workforce and global economy, businesses can’t afford to sideline their IT infrastructure. Managed IT provides a way to give IT the attention it needs without neglecting core business competencies.

The Appeal of Managed Network Services

How does managed IT accomplish this breadth of service while maintaining affordability? It’s all about the relationship with the business and the managed services provider (MSP). The return on investment that managed network services provide makes a compelling argument.

Business often choose managed IT for two main reasons:

  1. Reduced cost and enhanced cost control: There’s nothing more expensive than slow Internet service—except maybe wasted labor hours trying to resolve Internet problems. And MSP manages both of these for a monthly fee, giving an unparalleled amount of cost control to their clients.
  2. Access to experts: Even for organizations that employ an IT department, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing world of technology. An MSP gives a company access to a team of IT experts around the clock.

The growth of the managed network services industry isn’t a mistake; it’s a result of the proven benefits available. Join countless other businesses and make the leap today with Capital Business Systems.