What is RMM?
The goal, of course, in monitoring a client’s business network, is to avoid any kind of network outage or disruption to that network in the first place.
Deployment is easy
RMM is deployed by installing a small software application, called an “agent”, on a client’s workstations, servers, mobile devices, and other endpoints. These agents then feed information about machine and network health and status back to the MSP. The MSP is then able to keep machines maintained and up-to-date, and proactively stay ahead of issues and resolve them remotely – without the need to go out to a client’s office. The client suddenly has fewer things to worry about!
How RMM works
RMM is especially relevant for businesses that allow employees to use their own devices – smartphones, laptops, tablets – for both business and personal use. (Otherwise known as bring-your-own-device, or BYOD.)
Not just about monitoring
Through RMM, MSP technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, and more. Technicians can also administer tasks simultaneously to many computers at once, and no longer have to travel from office to office to handle routine maintenance.
• Issues are detected before they become major problems and avoid system failure
• A fixed monthly price keeps your IT up and running
• Fixed pricing means no billing surprises
• Network stability is achieved through proactive maintenance
• Increased uptime without disruption during servicing
• The life of hardware devices can be extended with improved performance
• Increased employee productivity
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