Most organizations today rely on various technologies to support their employees. Collectively, these technologies can be complex and resource-intensive. Therefore, the overall technology infrastructure must be considered and implemented in an organized manner.

A technology roadmap – sometimes called an IT roadmap – is a document that communicates the plan for technology initiatives at an organization. The purpose of a roadmap is to outline what, when and why technology solutions will be implemented at the organization in order to improve productivity, protect the budget and avoid costly mistakes caused by negligent planning.

A comprehensive technology roadmap lists the relevant technology available today and also highlights improvements that are anticipated in the future. A technology roadmap tales into account existing technology (computers, servers, telephony, networks, software, etc) that may be leveraged in the future or may be scheduled for end-of-life. For example, if an organization is using computers that are a few years old, they might be perfectly acceptable today but someday they will underperform as an organization changes and grows. The technology roadmap would take into account that an organization plans to add more employees, or move locations, or even change their business focus and use those ideas as a basis for technology planning.

As it’s being developed, a technology roadmap should align key stakeholders, including finance, IT, and all other relevant business units. This plan helps each team better grasp the requirements needed to maintain an organization’s infrastructure, keep it productive and help it grow.

A technology roadmap is one component that helps any organization achieve their vision and ensure that their technology and infrastructure investments will beneficially support that vison. It’s a forward-looking document that begins working as soon as it’s completed.

For more information on how Capital Business Systems can help your organization build your technology roadmap, please contact us today.