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Three Printing Habits that are Costing You Significantly

We all have habits when it comes to how we approach several different aspects of our business. Some individuals feel that a hard copy of each document must be printed, while others print exclusively in color. These habits can lead to a number of issues, mainly in the area of unnecessary costs associated with printing. Printing can easily get out of hand if not kept in check. Here are three of the biggest culprits when it comes to over and unnecessary printing:

  • Unnecessary Printers: Those individuals who print out everything without a real reason. Keeping hard copies of every document can quickly get out of hand. This can be one of the more costly bad printing habits.
  • Careless Printers: Careless printers often hit the print button without thinking, printing out large documents when only a small selection of pages is needed.
  • Traditionalists: These individuals print out documents simply to edit or distribute files when it would be just as easy to send out the digital copy.

These are not the only lousy printing habits you need to be on the lookout for, however, they tend to be habits that can cost you significantly. To learn more about how you can avoid lousy printing habits in your office, please contact us today!

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