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Rules You Should Follow to Save on Paper Costs

 Do you have a printer in your office? If you said yes, then you have paper and ink costs. Have you ever wanted to reduce these costs but just haven’t gotten around to it yet?

Have your office follow this set of rules and you will see a reduction in the amount of ink and paper that are used!

• Rule one: Use double-sided printing! Every time, no matter what.

• Rule two: Use smaller print! It’s surprising how much paper you can save by shrinking your everyday words down to size 11 and your headers to size 16.

• Rule three: Format documents differently. I know everyone loves double-spaced docs because they’re easier on the eyes, but they’re heavier on the wallet. Also, change your margin settings so the document is spread out across more paper rather than having all of the white space on the edges.

• Rule four: Allow little handwritten corrections to in-house documents. Sometimes a report is printed and you notice a few missing commas. Instead of printing the information out all over again allow people to make minor corrections with a pen or pencil as long as clients don’t see the material it shouldn’t matter.

• Rule five: Print only what you need! Make sure employees are checking the pages box on the printer settings and only select the pages that have the content they need.

• Rule six: Reduce printing by sending everything through email including invoices and receipts.

• Rule seven: Use colored ink only when necessary. Black ink is cheaper and most all documents can be printed in black. Unless it will lose its meaning without color then keep it black!

• Rule eight: Recycle!

These are simple yet useful rules to follow. Do this and your costs will be reduced for both paper and ink. Contact Capital Business Systems today to make sure you are getting the best quality for your money.

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