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Have you been called on recently by a document solution salesperson?  If it was a Capital Business Systems representative, you should have been offered a document workflow analysis for free!  This is an effective tool for businesses to know the details of their current document management situation and for our company to offer the right solutions to move your company forward.

Whether your organization needs a document solutions upgrade today or any significant changes are months away, we want to provide you with the tools and education to make an informed decision whenever that time comes.  Capital Business Systems prides itself on our document technology and solutions expertise, so let us put our knowledge to work for you!

Here are more details on the document workflow analysis process:

The purpose of a document workflow analysis is to understand what document imaging equipment is currently in place, find areas where your company can be more cost-effective, and plan for your needs in the future. For a dealer to most effectively complete an analysis, they will need access to the following information:

• Volumes on all document imaging equipment
• Invoices for maintenance agreements for all equipment
• Outsourcing invoices
• Lease documents for all equipment

Valuable Steps:

The first step is to determine the prospect’s objectives and challenges, as mentioned above. This is where you will learn about what obstacles face the opportunity, what strategic initiatives they are considering, what concerns they have with existing equipment, etc. I also like to review the company’s mission statement to see what it has in common with my own and how I can position those commonalities in my conversation.

Next, complete the inventory of existing equipment. The use of a comprehensive audit key will help here. In addition, however, a walkthrough is still the most effective way of obtaining all the available equipment data. Once the audit and walkthrough are done, you will analyze costs. This is done using a TCO tool like the Compass Opportunity Manager.

Once data is input, you can review monthly volumes on all output devices, track and account for outsourcing, and assign a realistic TCO – total cost of ownership to existing equipment. You then want to check productivity in critical areas, determine soft cost savings, analyze document workflow, and summarize your findings. Your business solution provider can now recommend whatever solution they deem appropriate based on your company’s needs.

To schedule your document workflow analysis, contact Capital Business Systems today!