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Misconceptions About Managed Network Security

Misconceptions About Managed Network Security


If you own or work for a growing small or medium-sized business, you might wonder if outsourced network management is a good option for your company. In most cases, the answer is yes. Many companies arrive at a decision only after taking time to understand what managed network service can bring to their businesses and to also get past some of the misconceptions, which can include:

1. There is no need if you already have an IT department: In-house and outsourced IT departments do not need to act independently. They can function as a single team. An outsourced network management company can work with your established team to take over menial day-to-day tasks that bog the team down. Network management firms can often operate 24-7 when necessary, something that in-house IT departments usually don’t have.

2. Outsourced network management is only for big businesses: Businesses of all sizes have found that they can outsource network management, and as a result, they operate more safely and efficiently. Regardless of size, every business operating today is vulnerable to network issues and threats. Companies that have opted to outsource their network management can spend their resources and time on core business development instead of worrying about network security.

3. It’s too expensive: Managed network services are often scalable because every business is different and has different needs. A high-quality and service-oriented managed network company will take the time to learn about your industry and your business. That way, they can tailor the optimum and most affordable service package for you by eliminating irrelevant things to the way your business functions. A managed service provider should always be able to work within your budgetary guidelines.

4. Keeping everything in-house means better security: While it’s true that having all operations under one roof can mean more control, it doesn’t always mean more security. Outsourced network management offers increased security through business hours or 24/7 monitoring, immediate threat response, timely software and hardware updates, data backup, and more. All while keeping your in-house IT team entirely in the loop, there is no concession of control.

5. All network management companies are alike: When you outsource your network management, it often means that you will also trust them with your sensitive records, financial documents, customer data, and other confidential information. Make sure the company you hire has a positive track record with clients in the past. Finally, look for them to make every effort to get to know your industry, company, and staff.

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Financial service organizations are under more pressure to increase productivity and data security while complying with mandated regulations. By utilizing office technologies that help increase efficiency, improve access to customer information, control costs, and ensure compliance and security, Capital Business Systems has the solutions to help financial service organizations meet their challenges.

The Challenges

Regulation and security compliance
Lost, unsecured, or stolen financial documents can lead to legal issues and fines and negatively impact your reputation. Safeguarding clients’ information is not only the law, but it also makes good business sense.

Controlling costs
Customers and shareholders are demanding more transparency from their financial service organizations. Document management expenses, such as copy and print costs, continue to rise, yet they typically remain unmonitored and not fully addressed by most businesses.

Securing your network
Financial organizations manage and store sensitive client information, making it an ideal target for malicious software programs and hackers. When these businesses aren’t in complete control of how and where employees access their network, the possibility of a security breach remains.

Providing mobile access and printing
As financial services integrate multiple formats of mobile devices into their workflow, access to the proper technologies can facilitate the document management process.

Increasing documentation efficiency
Financial documentation requires more forms, reviews, and approvals than ever. Additionally, It’s often necessary to utilize or combine printed and electronic documents. Developing the most efficient plan for managing the process can improve productivity and operational costs.

The Solutions

Capital Business Systems’ managed print, document, and network services help financial service providers become more efficient and operate more cost-effectively while maintaining the highest level of client care. Our scalable solutions can administer any or all aspects of a print or IT environment:


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