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Managed IT: Is it for you?

Managed IT: Is it for you?


These days, your employees are only as effective as the technology that you give them to use. Companies that are large enough have the ability to hire a dedicated IT employee, or perhaps more than one. But for some companies, that’s just not an option.

For many of those small businesses, a managed network/IT service provider (MSP) is an increasingly popular option.

A managed service provider can handle a company’s networking, help desk queries, server upkeep, project management and desktop support, among other things. An MSP typically offers multiple other benefits, such as having more resources at their disposal and a deeper knowledge base to draw from than any computer store would.

1. Proactive Services
MSPs operate proactively. They prevent technical issues from occurring by constantly monitoring a business network’s hardware, applications, security and internet so that if an issue or abnormality happens or is even anticipated, the proper persons are notified immediately. Ultimately, MSPs are paid to keep a business from having network and IT issues in the first place, rather than just fixing them after they’ve occurred.

2. Tech Provided
While MSPs can provide all the technology for your business, such as workstations, servers and software, most MSPs will also work to utilize your current technology as often as possible. Beware of “rip and replace” services whose only goal is to sell you as much new technology as they can get away with.

3. Expertise and Access
If a business outsources its IT management to one “computer guy”, the chances are good that this person does not have expertise in all IT areas. Not only that, if they are also serving other clients, who’s to say that you would be a priority when something goes wrong? MSPs, on the other hand, have skilled personnel dedicated to each function of IT and are better equipped all around. Though 24/7 help desks, they are also always available to help you at a moment’s notice.

4. Business Continuity
How you would go about restoring all your systems and data in the event of a disaster? It’s a tough question to answer. Recovery means a lot more than just having your data backed up remotely. A good MSP can create an efficient disaster recovery plan that takes all aspects of your business processes into account. With an MSP watching out for you, if disaster does strike, your business
can endure it.

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