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Financial Benefits of Managed Network Services

Financial Benefits of Managed Network Services

Managed Network Services can encompass a lot – from preventive monitoring and disaster recovery, to remote network management and cloud computing. Many companies hesitate to add them out of concern over cost justification. However, research suggests that integrating Managed Network Services can present substantial financial benefits for your business in a relatively short period of time.

Return on Investment (ROI) – When it comes to implementing new company initiatives, the deciding factor for management is typically ROI. A recent IBM white paper titled Business Value of Managed Services found that companies utilizing Managed Network Services incurred a three-year ROI of 224 percent with a payback period of just 22 weeks. In addition to all of the benefits a Managed Network Service can bring to your business, consider how such a strong return would positively affect your company in less than six months.

Optimize Existing Resources – Many companies have at least one in-house IT employee or a partial IT team in place. Unfortunately, these employees tend to use their time repairing individual computers or diagnosing and fixing connectivity issues, instead of spending time on critical, business-building projects. If your IT team continually gets pulled off task to put out fires, you are losing money. Incorporating Managed Network Services frees up your IT team to tackle those other projects, maximizing potential in their current roles by 42 percent (according to the IBM white paper).

Increase Employee Productivity – The functionality of the tools your employees use can have an enormous impact on your their productivity. When your IT needs—from hardware to software to storage—are consistently monitored and working efficiently by a Managed Network Service, your employees can use these tools to amplify productivity. According to the IBM study, application downtime is reduced by 88 percent with Managed IT services, keeping your team on task. Ultimately, increased productivity directly correlates with an increase in company revenue.

Incorporating our Managed Network Services into your business will produce a strong return on investment, a fortified IT team, and an increase in productivity across your entire staff.

Contact us today to learn more, or sign up for our free network assessment.


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