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Employee Spotlight – Lisa Loseke

Lisa Loseke, Account Executive

Where did you work before Capital Business Systems?
I have been with Capital for 20 years, but have been in the copier industry for over 30 years. Thus, other than a short time working at a bank, copier & software sales has been my entire career.

What is the favorite part about working for Capital?
I really enjoy getting to know my customers and helping them find ways to make their jobs easier. It never gets old seeing the excitement on a customer’s face when you find a solution that will save them a tremendous amount of time.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I would like to spend a day driving a combine during corn harvest. My neighbor gave me an opportunity to try this a few years ago, and it was amazing!

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?
I enjoy anything outdoors: tennis, pickleball, cycling, camping, and gardening. My husband and I started cycling together about 10 years ago after the kids left the nest. This year we set a goal to join the “Century Club” which is completing a 100 mile bike ride in one day. We’ll be sure to pick a cool day with a strong south wind and head north!

Fill in the blank: I once met….
My husband, Tim, when working at a grocery store in college, and the rest is history! Together we raised 3 sons and now have 3 wonderful daughter-in-laws and 2 grandsons. We are looking forward to many more grandchildren.

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
Last year we traveled to Italy. It was an amazing trip with tons of history and beautiful scenery. We visited Rome, Tuscany, Cinque de Terre, and Venice.

What are the three words that best describe you?
Adventurous, energetic and faithful.

What advice would you give others in your profession?
Stick with it! So many sales people give up too soon, but it takes time to build relationships. There can be many ups and downs in sales, but it gets much easier and fulfilling after you have established some loyal customers.


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