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Design Your Office for Success

When creating a new office space, it is necessary to consider how the new space will be designed.  The format and design of a room can have a sizable effect on the amount of work completed as well as a few other important psychological effects.  Here are some of the basics for establishing a new office space.

  1. The first step in the process is to determine the goals you wish to achieve with your office.  If you are a leader, perhaps a goal is to be in a position of power.  If you work as a consultant, perhaps an inviting environment will suit your office best.  This is all personal preference depending on your personality and the functions you wish your office to perform.
  2. Consider not only where your desk will be located but how it will be positioned.  These two aspects have a significant impact on people entering your office.  You want to position yourself to be pointing toward the doorway when sitting at your desk if you want a position of authority.  Placing your desk in the heart of the area can also create the perception of control.
  3. Yet another consideration is the selection and placement of office decoration.  One option is to utilize plants, printers or other office equipment to complete certain goals.  More plants and a lighter environment can be more welcoming if you wish to portray that characteristic.

The general purpose is to pair the arrangement of your room with what you would like to accomplish in that space.  If there are any questions about copiers and other office products and how we can contribute to setting up your space, contact us today.

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