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Controlling your Regular Print Spend

Both small organizations and large companies alike need to watch the amount they print in a provided month. Oftentimes, printing will be the most significant expense in an office due to paper usage, the number of components used, and also the amount of power consumed during the print process. Getting your office printing manageable will help you cut costs and save paper in the long run. Managing your month-to-month print spend is not always simple. Based on the size of your company, there may be many moving parts to get under control in order to impact change in your company’s printing habits. This is part of the reason why using print management in your workplace is a good idea! Ways in which print management regulates your monthly print spend include:

  • Keeping track of Paper Usage- Monitoring your paper usage is the first action in being able to cut down on it. Print Management works to monitor printer usage by department and will determine areas of enhancement.
  • Taking Control of your Printer Fleet- Should you be managing a large organization, then you definitely have many printers located all over the office environment. Print management has the ability to observe all of your printer outputs and locations and can really help in figuring out where waste is being accumulated.
  • Limits the Volume of Printing- The possibilities of what print management is capable of doing for your company are limitless. You even have the capability to limit the volume of printing done by a particular department once you know exactly how much printing is done on average.
  • Making use of Energy Efficient Products- The power usage of your company gear can start adding up, especially if you are running a lot of printers.

Energy-efficient products minimize the amount of power used and save your organization money. Getting your monthly print spend in check will help you run a more efficient and cost-effective business. Contact us today!

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