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Color vs. Black & White Multifunction Devices

Deciding between black & white and color printing can be difficult. In business today, it is much more common to need the ability to print in high-quality color. However, black & white printing is still a very affordable alternative that many businesses utilize for internal documents and documents that contain strictly text. There are many different factors that go into choosing the right printer for your office.

Here are a few of the things to consider when shopping for a printer:

  • Cost – Color is always more expensive, though there is not nearly as significant of a divide as there used to be. If you need to print in color, it is an obvious choice. Otherwise, you must decide if it will be cheaper, in the long run, to invest in a color printer now, or outsource color print jobs to a print company down the road.
  • Functions – Color printers now offer a variety of functions that were not previously available in color models. These features include duplex printing, varying media types, and finishing options, such as stapling and booklet making.
  • Performance/Quality – Color printers are used to produce a much lower quality print at a much slower rate than black and white printers. Now you can print in high-quality color at a much higher speed.

Contact Capital Business Systems today to learn more about how you can utilize color printing in your business today.

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