Sanitizing Your Office Equipment

The office copier is one area where germs can easily be transmitted from one employee to another. To sanitize your copier, the Capital Business Systems suggests: 1) Powering down your device. 2) Using a clean rag or paper towel, wipe a small amount of rubbing alcohol...

Crucial Public Speaking Tips

Did you know that the biggest fear in America isn’t dying, nor is it a fear of heights, and it is not yet another fear such as spiders? It is actually a fear of formal presentations. Speaking in public has been identified as one of the greatest worries of the...

Securing the data left on that old printer

Most enterprise-level printers have a built-in hard drive that can store information in the same way your smartphone or your computer does. If you’re a business that has ever printed private or sensitive information (as most do at one time or another), then that...

Copier Leasing is the Superior Option

Copier leasing has become one of the more popular options when it comes time to outfit your office with new copier equipment. There are many benefits to copier leasing, and it has become a much more cost-effective means of equipping your employees with the right tools...