What is the “Dark Web”?

Technology evolves at a rapid pace, as do the buzzwords surrounding it. If you been paying even a little bit of attention lately, you’ve undoubtedly heard the term “dark web”, or in some cases, the “darknet”. But what exactly is it? The dark web is an encrypted part...

What is a vCIO, and do you need one?

A vCIO, or virtual CIO, is usually a contractor that serves as an organization’s chief information officer. They typically collaborate with and advise their clients’ IT departments (or the clients themselves in organizations that do not have an IT...

Bring Print Production In House

Very few businesses have given up on print. In most cases, you just can’t. Business cards, letterhead, promotional brochures, short-run direct mailings……..organizations rely these things – and others – in order to function. Most organizations also outsource some or...