Data Backups – A False Sense of Security?

Hopefully you have taken some precautions to secure your business data, such as backing it up in some form or fashion. But depending on how you do that, it might not always be enough. It’s often assumed that by backing up your data once a day and leaving it at that,...

Printer choices: Color or black & white?

When you set out to buy a new printer for your company, one consideration that you will encounter is whether to buy one with full color capabilities, or just black & white – also known as monochrome. While cost will always be one of the arbiters for which...

Email Subject Lines and Ransomware

Most ransomware and other viruses are spread via email. We all get so much email that sometimes it can be hard to tell legitimate emails from the poisonous one. And that’s exactly what the cybercriminals count on. One of the best ways to mask a fraudulent email is by...