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Analysis of recent cyber-attack statistics

HP Inc. recently released its new Quarterly Threat Insights Report, which provides an in-depth analysis of recent cyber-attack statistics. Here is a summary of what they found:

29% of malware captured was previously unknown – This makes it clear that cybercriminals are continually finding new ways to attack computers and network systems around the world. They understand that once cyber-security companies uncover the latest form of malware or virus, new methods of delivery must be found.

88% of malware was delivered by email – Email is still the easiest and most prolific way of spreading malware. We all use email and get so complacent in reading and opening email that it’s very easy to click on a link without considering that it might be fraudulent.

Email attachments are always circumspect – 66% of malware is disguised as a trojan horse of some type, most often an email attachment. The most common types of malicious attachments are: documents (31%), archive files (28%), spreadsheets (19%) and executable files (17%).

It takes 8.8 days, on average, for threats to become known – If your computer or network does become infected, it might not be obvious right away. This gives cybercriminals plenty of time to wreak havoc before being detected.

Weekdays and Holidays – Most cyberattack attempts occur earlier in the business week, with the average peak occurring on Wednesday. December was the busiest month for cybercriminals. They understand just how busy and distracted we can all become during the holiday season, and how much more often we’re shopping online.

These facts are yet another reminder of just how important it is for businesses to stay proactive in their cybersecurity efforts. It’s always going to be a continuing battle, but working with a knowledgeable and effective managed service provider like Capital Business Systems can help put your mind at ease and allow you focus on growing your business.

Please contact us today and let us help you stay safe.

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